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sinceJanuary 02, 1997
[Home | Research Tool | Yeast | LINKS |Journal |Others |Software | General ]
May 21, 2005
- EMBOSS - GUI version of EMBOSS: EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) is a suite of free software tools for nucleotide and protein sequence analysis. [ Research Tool ]
- biol.net - YEASTS and other FUNGI. [ Yeast ]
May 28, 2004
November 3, 2003
January 15, 2002
October 01, 2001
September 16, 2000
May 01, 2000
Lboratory Software - "This site contains software intended to be of interest to medical laboratory scientists." by Aubrey Blumsohn [ Software ]
March 11, 2000
June 06, 1999
February 21, 1999
September 20, 1998
PCR Rare - PC-Rare is a very powerful (but user friendly) software that allows the choice of specific PCR primers. [ Software ]
September 18, 1998
September 11, 1998
May 26, 1998
PAPIA: Parallel Protein Information Analysis system - at Parallel Applications TRC Lab., RWCP (Japan) [ Research Tool ]
May 22, 1998
February 28, 1998
February 13, 1998
Scion Image for Windows - Image processing and analysis program based on NIH Image by Scion Corporation. BETA RELEASE 2 [ Software ]
November 24, 1997
October 11, 1997
October 06, 1997
October 01, 1997
GeneQuiz - Analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome - compiled at EMBL-EBI [ Yeast ]
September 14, 1997
August 08, 1997
InforMAX - Providing scientific software programming services and products: Vector NTI Demo version is available. [ Software ]
Vector NTI Viewer - Vector NTI Viewer is a freeware program for study and simple analysis of biological molecules. [ Software ]
July 08, 1997
June 30, 1997
Fungi - Eukaryota: Plantae: Thallobionta - archived by INFOBIOGEN (France) [ Yeast ]
June 17, 1997
June 11, 1997
May 13, 1997
May 10, 1997
April 27, 1997
SINCRIS: Software full list - A huge list of software for molecular biologists [ Software ]
April 17, 1997
April 15, 1997
April 09, 1997
March 30, 1997
March 29, 1997
March 18, 1997
JaMBW - Java based Molecular Biologist's Workbench - by Luca TOLDO at EMBL (Germany) [ Research Tool ]
Yeast Gene Duplications - This Web site contains data on duplicated genes in the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) genome. - by Ken Wolfe and Denis Shields at Trinity College Dublin [ Yeast ]
GeneQuiz: automated analysis of all available bakers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) proteins - at EMBL (Germany) [ Yeast ]
GeneQuiz server home page - The Genequiz system provides highly automated analysis of biological sequences. - at EMBL (Germany) [ Research Tool ]
Comparative Sequence Analysis - BLAST2 | Sequence alerting | Putative DNA Sequencing Errors Check | Tools for alignment | Translation of Protein to DNA...etc. - at EMBL (Germany) [ Research Tool ]
BioLinks: Annotated Links to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Internet Resources - by Dorin-Bogdan Borza [ Research Tool ]
Swiss-PdbViewer: An application that provides a user freindly interface allowing to analyse several proteins at the same time. - by Nicolas Guex and Manuel C. Peitsch at Geneva Biomedical Research Institute [ Software ]
March 10, 1997
March 07, 1997
Plasmid Processor: You can download full executable version of Plasmid Processor 1.02 for Windows (tm) at University of Kuopio (Finland) [ Software ]
March 03, 1997
February 24, 1997
February 17, 1997
February 15, 1997
February 14, 1997
Genome Analysis : A Laboratory Manual - The hypertext version of the book Genome Analysis: A Laboratory Manual (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press). [ Research Tool ]
February 11, 1997
February 04, 1997
February 02, 1997
January 31, 1997
January 29, 1997
January 25, 1997
January 19, 1997
January 16, 1997
January 14, 1997
January 12, 1997
January 10, 1997
PaperChase - PaperChase provides 9,337,834 references - MEDLINE | HealthSTAR | AIDSLINE | CANCERLIT [ Research Tool ]
January 09, 1997
January 04, 1997
January 02, 1997
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sinceDecember 22, 1996
Atsushi Isoai, Ph.D.
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This page was last modified on: April 26, 2010.