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truth or dare - users' reports


Tell me how robots are helping your life.

they help me build parts



See if you feel pain in your dreams.

I know that it is possible to feel emotional pain in dreams, because I have often woke up crying. I also know that it is impossible to feel physical pain ( unless lying on a bed of nails) as I have, in dreams, fallen from a great height and felt fine.
But the point of this dare was not to rely on experience, but rather to experiment. At the weekend I tried to dream of a painful situation, - a car crash. I lay in bed imagining my car crashing into a wall, and crumpling. I could see myself trapped by the steering wheel; but the problem was I was seeing myself in the third person. I was both physically and emotionally detached, and in a very light sleep. After a few nights of light sleep, I have given up. I found it impossible to feel pain in my dreams of a physical nature - I cannot use my memory to think of the feeling of pain. Perhaps I am blocking memories of physical pain.
Last night, I was very tired, had an argument with my best friend, and also felt many pressures in my life were too much. It took me a long time to sleep, and when I did I had many emotional dreams of leaving family, death, and loved ones attacking me. I felt deep emotional pain, and woke up very tired.


the same world, a new reality
Copyright © Kenji Saito, 1998