1,000 knives of thought - answers

knife 213
Sometimes, stupidity is a goal. When?

When your cleverness calls for unwanted problems. (Yes, some problems are wanted for fun.)

Kenji Saito

knife 214
How can you use your preciseness as an instrument to blow up your impact upon people?

Show it as a form of radicalism.

Kenji Saito

knife 215
Are you the master or slave of humanism?

I'm an evangelist of abolishing slavery to humanism.

Kenji Saito

knife 216
Will the intestines ever be intelligent?

It has its own neural centre, and in that sense it is already intelligent, as in an intelligent object (such as a neuro-fuzzy washing machine). Whether it will be more intelligent or not is another question. In order for it to be, it has to be assisted by an evolutional force. It requires that the host of the intestine survives better if it is more intelligent, which is a difficult situation to arise.

Kenji Saito

knife 217
What is BEBO of BABIBU?

It symbolises that our languages do not have to coincide.

Kenji Saito

knife 218
When does an illusion help you?

Whenever I try to create something. I think that thinking that I can create something is an erroneous perception of reality.

Kenji Saito

knife 219
Explain about computers and mental disorders.

The concept of mental disorder shows that mentality is regarded as something functional. Otherwise there would be no disorder. This concept must have originated after the invention of a some sort of computing device or computing theory. Our bodies are understood by analogies of available technologies.

Kenji Saito

knife 220
What are the three selves of yours?

My mind, society of cells with the same MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex), and my stomach.

Kenji Saito

knife 221
What are the pros and cons of awarding prizes to people?

That it assists the person's self-esteem and that it creates an authority.

Kenji Saito

knife 222
Is it possible to have a love affair with a computer network?

Yes. Sex is after all mental.

Kenji Saito

knife 223
Why is there an expression such as one has a different wave length than the other?

Because technology has enabled us to utilise electromagnetic waves, and it has been reflected on people's understanding of oneselves. In particular, the expression corresponds to the fact that radios can communicate only if their wave lengths are shared among them.

Kenji Saito

knife 224
Do you think composers visualise sounds when they compose?

Yes. I think that at least they must be grasping sounds in a spatial way, if not apparently visual. Being three-dimensional beings, we have to translate time into space in order to understand its passing without actually letting it pass.

Kenji Saito

knife 225
Which is the wrong end of a gun?

Apparently the side at which the gun is pointed is wrong, as it is against the policy of survival. The opposite side is also wrong depending on situations, and it is open to discussion. In other words they are in natural and human domains respectively.

Kenji Saito

knife 226
Why do people talk to themselves?

Because one has at least two selves.

Kenji Saito

knife 227
What must be explored but not interpreted?

Non-verbal intelligence expressed in forms such as dreams or fine art. Interpretation merely represses the activities.

Kenji Saito

knife 228
Why does or does not an elevator appear in your dream?

It appears in my dreams, and I think the reason is that due to the relaxation of muscles during sleep, I feel as if my body is floating in the air, and such feeling is represented in my dream as being in an elevator. Before I moved to a city and began to ride elevators often, I think such feeling was more often represented by flying in my dreams.

Kenji Saito

knife 229
In what ways are animals like human children?

They get involved with a human society whether they like it or not.

Kenji Saito

knife 230
Human beings have always been robots. True or false?

In the sense of a labouring force, the first human robot was conceived upon the industrial revolution (the concept may have existed once agriculture started). In the sense of subconsciously controlled actions, human beings have been robots from the beginning.

Kenji Saito

knife 231
The word natural has two opposite meanings. Explain.

One is of nature and the other is compliant to human senses. I don't know if these are opposite of each other, but certainly they are of different abstraction level. The former is explained by physical laws and the latter by cultural tendencies.

Kenji Saito

knife 232
It is a good deed to free slaves by buying them from their owners. True or false?

True if the slaves want to be freed, and then it is a good deed from the slaves' point of view. It is true also if a third party sees the situation as a problem, regardless of the perception by the owners or the slaves, and then it is a good deed from the third party's point of view. A good deed is a problem solving, and a problem is always a problem to someone in particular.

Kenji Saito

knife 233
What do sleep and discovery have in common?

They both require a negative force to restrain unnecessary mental activities.

Kenji Saito

knife 234
Limitation is closer to infinity than no limitation is. True or false?

True. Limitation can provide enough intensity to reach infinity. No limitation just makes your power spread over a wide area.

Kenji Saito

knife 235
In what ways comedy is more militant than any military?

It expresses doubt about beliefs commonly held by people.

Kenji Saito

knife 236
DNA decides much of what you are. True or false?

False. DNA is a substance. The information encoded in the substance describes the recipe to make what I am. A recipe may decide much of what a cuisine is, but if you ask a gourmand, the answer would be no.

Kenji Saito

knife 237
Democracy is socialistic. True or false?

True in the sense that democracy equalises the people in principle.

Kenji Saito

knife 238
Tell me about your childish belief.

I believe that I can do whatever I want to do if I try to do so.

Kenji Saito

knife 239
Give me 10 advantages of displaying in a written language that something is for blind people.
  1. Seeing people can also think of using the facility if the situation makes them temporarily blind, for example, when it's totally dark.
  2. Seeing people can avoid blocking blind people from using it.
  3. Seeing people are always reminded that there are blind people in their society.
  4. Seeing people can know that someone is blind or temporarily blinded if he or she is using the facility, and be ready to offer help if necessary.
  5. Seeing people can practice using the facility, and learn that there are other realities mapped upon the same world.
  6. Seeing people can guide blind people to the facility.
  7. It may be a good place to start teaching children how to read.
  8. It may be a good place to ask children the same question and make them think.
  9. It may be a good place to test your educational skill by seeing if your children ask the same question to you first.
  10. You can test yourself by whether you have ever asked yourself the same question.

Kenji Saito

knife 240
How can you finish reading a 400 page book in 5 minutes after your purchase of it?

Read 395 pages or so of it at the bookstore, and read the rest after you buy it.

Kenji Saito

knife 241
Give me 10 examples of time being translated into space.
  1. The way brains translate the delays into the locations of sounds.
  2. Graphs with time axis.
  3. Expressions like "travel back in time" or "looking forward to."
  4. Musical scores.
  5. Continuities or scenarios.
  6. The Red Book CD format.
  7. The way films are measured by feet.
  8. Light year.
  9. The way durations are referred as "lengths" of time.
  10. Analogue clocks.

Kenji Saito

knife 242
If a question is well-defined, the definition is the answer to the question. True or false?

True because then the question is well described so that there is no room for questions, and the question becomes no longer a question.

Kenji Saito

knife 243
Give me an answer to 2 + 5 by clearly defining the question.

Let me begin by defining a natural number. let there be 0, and 1 is defined as s(0), where s() is a succession function. In English s(0) means what follows 0.
2 is defined as s(s(0)), 3 is defined as s(s(s(0))), and so on. A natural number is a value obtained by applying s() for finite times to 0.

x + y, where both x and y are natural numbers, is the value obtained by replacing the 0 in y with x. Therefore, 2 + 5 is defined as s(s(0)) + s(s(s(s(s(0))))), which is to obtain the value s(s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))).

Kenji Saito

Every waste has a human origin.

mailto: ks91@cornell.edu