1,000 knives of thought - answers

knife 154
Occasional failure is good for your mental hygiene. Explain by examples.

By occasionally missing deadlines I can be less tense.

Kenji Saito

knife 155
Communication is to teach languages. Explain.

True communication is to transmit new information. If one misses some information he or she does not even have a language to express it.

Kenji Saito

knife 156
Do you live where you do not have to try?


Kenji Saito

knife 157
Do you think a beggar is trying hard to live?

No, because he or she is not innovating.

Kenji Saito

knife 158
Do you think Vietnam is a socialistic country?

No, because at every transaction the price is negotiated there, which I think is a fundamental property of capitalism.

Kenji Saito

knife 159
Tell me what you can learn from COLOMBO.

Don't reveal your ability of problem solving to the problems.

Kenji Saito

knife 160
Death is a family tradition. Explain.

It's an adventure your family members go for one by one until it's your turn.

Kenji Saito

knife 161
Is sense of justice for or against solving problems?

If it works as a motivation, it's for solving problems. Usually it doesn't although it starts that way.

Kenji Saito

knife 162
What are the similarities between diseases and the Internet?

They both bring foreground the existence of others within. The former does the existence of organs in your body and the latter does that of other human beings in your society.

Kenji Saito

knife 163
Tell me how your body temperature can be transmitted through the Internet.

How it should be transmitted depends on the objective. For example, if the objective is scientific, you can use a thermography. On the other hand, if the objective is an intimacy, I think it should best be translated into an intimate (body) language.

Kenji Saito

knife 164
Tell me what you think about religions whose rituals are against the principle of recycling.

Even religions cannot be unrelated to their surrounding societies in this connected world. Perhaps those religions should expand their views to incorporate the connectedness of the world, as the shortness of natural resources is an apparent fact.

Kenji Saito

knife 165
Tell me an example of what was once thought as a handicap was in fact a gift.

The closest example to me is perhaps myself, although it is not a good example. My left-handedness was a disadvantage to me when I tried to join my friends to play baseball when I was a child (they didn't have a glove that I could borrow). But in fact being different from others helped me getting stronger.

Kenji Saito

knife 166
Engineering does not require intelligence. True or false?

True. Nature is the greatest engineer and it has no intelligence.

Kenji Saito

knife 167
Who are your victims?

My future selves.

Kenji Saito

knife 168
Give me 10 examples of what is abstracted in history.
  1. Life of every so called insignificant person.
  2. Concrete sounds before the invention of phonograph.
  3. Colours before the first painting.
  4. Weathers of day before the first diary.
  5. Small talk.
  6. Most breakfast.
  7. And most other meals.
  8. Most activities in toilets.
  9. Most activities in beds.
  10. Or in futons for that matter.

Kenji Saito

knife 169
Any music can be reduced down to beats. True or false?

True by 1 bit sampling in very high frequency.

Kenji Saito

knife 170
Prove that human race has never changed since the first civilisation.

Read any books and find all human problems are the same.

Kenji Saito

knife 171
If you are a problem solver, do not let your problems evaluate you. Explain.

In order to solve a problem, first I have to create a situation well suited for the job. Problems being evaluating me is not a kind I would be looking for.

Kenji Saito

knife 172
Is there anything that the Internet made you realise?

The Internet lets people do things of more importance for them. For those who have important things to do, this must be wonderful, and for those who don't would probably never have one anyway.

Kenji Saito

knife 173
Socialistic societies produce better music. True or false?

False if I take a look at situations in Japan. However, it can be true in general for orchestral work.

Kenji Saito

knife 174
What are the drawbacks of not letting religious cults live in your neighbourhood?

If you persecute religious cults, they would utilise it to create a legend. Therefore your acts only strengthen them.

Kenji Saito

knife 175
Where are the fastest computers in the world?

I'm not confident, but it would have to be somewhere like inside one of the Voyagers. The Voyagers and their OBCs are travelling in space leaving the solar system behind, and they are the fastest objects humankind has ever created.

If you mean in the vicinity of this globe, the fastest computers must be the OBCs of satellites in the nearest orbit from the ground.

Kenji Saito

knife 176
Give me an example of a collection of evil becoming a good will.

A family of criminals working as a mutual aid society.

Kenji Saito

knife 177
Tell me why radio astronomy is a science rather than a religion.

In radio astronomy, a scientific method is used in order to understand the nature, i.e., observe the radio waves from celestial bodies, come up with a hypothesis, and observe again in order to verify the hypothesis.

Kenji Saito

knife 178
Which are more fair, sports or arts?

Arts are. One has to give his or her best shot if there is no rule, which, if everyone does the same, ensures the fairness after all.

Kenji Saito

knife 179
What kind of bad things would occur if your privacy is well protected?

That would prevent other people from obtaining information they are interested in.

Kenji Saito

knife 180
What would be the reason if you were not understood by others?

That I try to put my words carefully not to be misunderstood.

Kenji Saito

knife 181
Tell me your opinions about FGM.

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is never a problem unless the participants feel that way.

Kenji Saito

knife 182
What does 1:6:3 remind you of?

Lightness of being on Earth : Moon : Mars (approximately).

Kenji Saito

knife 183
What is rakugo?

A story coming back to where it started.

The same thing can be said to American stand-up comedies, but comics often end their sessions by referring back to the beginning of their stories, and if they do, their sessions sound perfected as well. Perhaps the audience would feel as if they are left in a state of anxiety if the stories do not come back, as comedies essentially make people anxious.

Kenji Saito

knife 184
What is the most important discovery for humankind for the past 2,000 years?

Gödel's incompleteness theorem. It's important because it showed the embedded limit in applicability of our logic.

Kenji Saito

Meritocracy should be a class society.

mailto: ks91@cornell.edu