[Config] ; The INIVERSION key identifies the format version of this INI file (Required) ; CubeIt (V4+) uses this to confirm that an appropriatly formatted INI file is being used which matche the current executable IniVersion=4 ; CubeIt will read the KISSLICER comments and scan Extruder Material Descriptions to determine if PLA or ABS is being used. (Required) ; If the KISSLICER EXTRUDER SECTION comments (MATERIAL_NAME) contain either of these strings, then the respective material is assumed to be loaded ABS_KEY=ABS PLA_KEY=PLA ; The lines in this section are prepended to each print file. (Optional) ; Normally, it is suggested you use the KISSLICER "PTR G-CODE" PREFIX tab [Header] ; Line1=^Firmware:V1.07 ; Prime/Suck/Purge Block Inserted (at M55x) for FIRST layers of ABS (Required Section) [PSPBlock ABS First] Line1=M55x P99 S150.000 Line2=M227 P99 S201 Line3=M228 P0 S73 ; Prime/Suck/Purge Block Inserted (at M55x) for Remaining layers of ABS (Required Section) [PSPBlock ABS Rest] Line1=M227 P99 S201 Line2=M228 P0 S73 Line3=M55x P2499 S150.000 ; Prime/Suck/Purge Block Inserted (at M55x) for FIRST layers of PLA (Required Section) [PSPBlock PLA First] Line1=M55x P163 S80.000 Line2=M227 P163 S230 Line3=M228 P0 S163 ; Prime/Suck/Purge Block Inserted (at M55x) for Remaining layers of PLA (Required Section) [PSPBlock PLA Rest] Line1=M227 P163 S230 Line2=M228 P0 S163 Line3=M55x P6000 S80.000 ; The lines in this section are appended to each print file. (Optional) ; Normally, it is suggested you use the KISSLICER "PTR G-CODE" POSTFIX tab [Footer] ; Line1=M103 ; Line2=M104 S0 ; Line3=M204 S0 ; Line4=M304 S0